Explore the diverse landscape of Asian cultures through the artworks of these talented directors. Their films address various topics, from emotional struggles to social issues. Enjoy good Asian films on UVOtv for free.
- Kwon Man-ki

Kwon Man-ki, born in Busan, South Korea, in 1983, is a talented filmmaker whose career began at Sangmyung University and continued at the Korean Academy of Film Arts (KAFA).
His short film “Telepata” (2015) won top awards at several film festivals. “Clean Up” (2018) marked his feature debut, showcasing his storytelling skills brushed off through works like “Volleyball Lesson” (2011).
To dive into Kwon Man-ki’s cinematic artworks, check out the acclaimed movie “Clean Up,” where he explores feelings of grief, guilt, and redemption.
- Naoto Kumazawa

Naoto Kumazawa, a talented director and screenwriter born in Nagoya, Japan, graduated from Seijo University. Kumazawa has garnered critical acclaim for his indie films, earning multiple awards.
To explore Naoto Kumazawa’s cinematic approach, watch the famous movie “Rainbow Song”, about two young people falling in love with each other, while working on a school project.
- John Stephen Baltazar

John Stephen Baltazar is an accomplished film director who completed his degree at the American University of Sharjah in 2011 and won multiple awards for his works.
John is interested in creating movies about natural disasters and action comedies. Check out his film “The Signs” (2018), a thriller about a catastrophic event.
- Esther Veronin

Esther Veronin is a Taiwanese director and a founder of her own content production company. She also takes on the roles of screenwriting, directing, editing, and producing various visual content.
In one of her first works, “Taipei As We Know It “TAWKI” (2013), Esther talks about social issues in Taipei.
Another movie, “Tomorrow’s Star” (2020), is about a superstar who is trying to make it in the entertainment industry and avoid falling into self-destruction.
- Feisal Azizuddin

Feisal Azizuddin is a gifted filmmaker based in Malaysia. His stories explore social issues in Malaysia, such as baby-selling, custodial deaths, and conversion therapy.
You can get acquainted with his work on UVOtv by checking out the movie “Suraya” (2020). It is a retelling of Malaysian folklore from a modern perspective.
Explore these filmmakers’ works on UVOtv and immerse yourself in their narratives and unique cultural perspectives. Each director brings a distinct voice and vision, highlighting the complexities and beauty of Asian cultures.